What’s the Scoop
Is Nicecream dairy free?
No. All of our ice creams are dairy-based made with milk and cream. We have one (1) non-dairy dessert option called a Banana Whip, which is frozen whipped bananas that you can add mix-ins to. We also have dairy free milk options for coffee & espresso
Is the facility nut-free?
We are not an allergy free environment. Our products can contain walnuts, peanuts and dairy. We do our best to avoid cross-contamination, but recommend that you DO NOT purchase our products if there is a severe allergy.
Is Nicecream gluten free?
Yes, most of our ice creams are gluten free except for Speculoos, Caramel Pretzel, or any with optional graham cracker crumbs. All of our hot chocolates are gluten free.
Is liquid nitrogen dangerous to consume?
When eating our ice cream, you will not “consume liquid nitrogen”. Although we use liquid nitrogen to freeze our product, the liquid nitrogen will be completely evaporated from the ice cream by the time it is served to you. In terms of being around liquid nitrogen - nitrogen makes up 79% of earth’s atmosphere so we are breathing it in every day. Once it freezes our ice cream, it evaporates into the air and becomes part of our daily breathable air.
Can I add my own ingredients?
No. We make the ice cream fresh in front of you, however we have a set menu each week with predetermined flavors. Also, for the health and safety of our customers we cannot put anything into our equipment that’s provided by customers.
Do you always have a certain flavor?
Our flavors rotate each week based on what’s in season. Please see our Flavor Calendar for an updated list of what we have this week! We keep our best sellers, such as Nutella, Pistachio, Honey Lavender, Bananas & Cream all stocked in the pint freezer for pick up.
Can I host a party at Nicecream?
Yes! Learn more about our party and catering options on our Events Catering Page!
Can I pre-order ice cream?
You can place an order for pick up here. If you are placing a special order request please call us at 703-908-0225. We will need 24 hours notice for any special requests and cannot hold any ice cream unless it is paid for.
Where can I learn more about Nicecream?
Visit our About Us Page or email us at Hello@nicecream.com
Are you hiring?
We’re always looking for talented and passionate individuals to join the team! Learn about our Benefits or Apply Here.